We decided that it would be best to remove the shots of people dressed up in costumes because we don't really know what costumes we want or where to get them from. We still want to keep the comedic aspect but without the costumes. Here is our new shot list:
1. tracking shot through busy streets and into underground
2. long shot of train coming in
3. mid shot, guy standing on underground platform playing guitar
4. long shot, man on train with guitar
5. close up of guitar being played
6. mid shot, man next to someone on the train
7. mid shot, guy next to him joins in with music
8. mid shot from behind, guy getting off train
9. tracking from behind, camera follows guy out of station
10. man busking with guitar, someone throws a button into hat.
11. long shot, going into someone’s house
12. mid shot, walks in on people having dinner
13. close up, walks through door too swimming pool
14. long shot, reversal pool shot
15. close up, reversal pool shot
16. mid shot, walks out of house
17. long shot, shopping store
18. mid shot, guy changing into different outfits
19. mid shot, sitting on busy bridge
20. close up, sitting on busy bridge
21. long shot, walks off screen from busy area to park ----
22. man playing guitar whilst of the round about
23. man has stopped playing guitar and throws up
24. mid shot of him playing guitar still with a bit of sick round his mouth.
23. mid shot, wipes sick and walks from park into toy shop ----
24. stop motion (multi-shot) in toy store
25. mid shot, someone opens cubicle door, guy playing guitar
26. long shot, man playing in car park
27. man rides on back of moped with Robbie.
Labels: Emma, Jenn, Rob, Sam